Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Beginner Power Cords

The reason why this lesson is for beginners is because power chords are the basics of electric guitar. It's probably the first thing you should learn on electric guitar. It is best coupled for use with distortion as it provides the 'crunch' that you won't get while playing clean. Try playing a power chord (if you know how) clean, and then with distortion to find the difference.

For those you don't know what a power chord is, a power chord is a bare fifth of a chord. However, the definition of 'bare fifth' is too complicated to really comprehend in text, I have got to admit, I don't really understand the term myself. But putting that aside, first I am going to teach you how to play a power chord. You got to remember that all power chords with their roots on the sixth and fifth string requires you to place your index finger (your pointing finger) on the root string. Now what is the root? This is difficult to explain in words. So let's just say I show you a power chord:


Strumming Skill:
The X is represent the point that you strum on your guitar.


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